BONECOS [DOLLS] – Now at Espaço da Red Cloud Teatro de Marionetas

Now at Espaço Red Cloud Teatro de Marionetas

Hello everyone! We’re starting the new year with exciting news to share.

After its premiere at Teatro Aveirense, our new show – Bonecos [Dolls] – will now take the stage at Espaço Red Cloud Teatro de Marionetas, with performances for schools and the general public.

School Sessions: February 10 to 21, at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM – reservations open until January 31.
Via email at or by phone at 910 747 585.

General Public

– February 15 (Saturday), at 5:00 PM *interpretation in portuguese sign language
– February 16 (Sunday), at 11:00 AM

At Espaço Red Cloud Teatro de Marionetas (Rua Hintze Ribeiro n.º 52A, Aveiro)

You can book tickets here 🙂


About the Show – A Peek into the Wild World of “Dolls”

We invite everyone to explore the photographs of this new show:

© João Garcia Neto


Many years ago, when animals lived together in the same village, some disguised themselves as humans to escape the hunters, while humans transformed into animals to hide from predators like the wolf—and to better catch their prey. Even today, one must look carefully to determine if the fox in front of us is truly a fox, or if it’s actually a person disguised as a fox—or perhaps even a fox disguised as a person!

Brief Description

Just as traditional tales play an essential role in a child’s development, Dolls unfolds through interconnected narratives that create a transformative journey. The blending and experience of the archetypes serves as a process of transformation for the central character—perhaps even as a kind of coming-of-age ritual.

In Dolls, the “girl” travels through various stories inspired by traditional African folklore. She loves watching wildlife documentaries. On this particular day, she feels the call of the jungle within her and sets off on a journey to hunt for stories. She crosses the sea, travels through North Africa, journeys across the Sahara Desert. At night, she passes through the Sahel region and reaches the unknown place where story-telling trees grow. What she sees in her wildlife documentaries is very different from what she experiences on this journey.

The teaser will be available soon!

Bonecos [Dolls] is a production by Red Cloud Teatro de Marionetas, co-produced with Teatro AveirenseCâmara Municipal de Aveiro and with the support of Direção-Geral das Artes. Partnership with Festival Internacional de Marionetas do PortoMuseu da Marioneta e Junta de Freguesia de Esgueira.

✨ Before we take Dolls to new stages, we hope you come to see it in ours!  ✨

Stay updated on our social media (Facebook and Instagram).

Long live theatre!
We hope to see you soon 🙂

Warm regards,
Red Cloud Teatro de Marionetas