João Apolinário Mendes
Animation CinemaMaster in Computer Animation at Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Co-creator of the Olho International Film Festival. He was coordinator of the Anima project that took place at the Museu das Puppets in Porto. He collaborated with Teatro de Marionetas do Porto, in the production of the plays “O Senhor…” (2012) and “Pelos Cabelos” (2013). He co-directed the animated short film “O Alma Grande” (2009), inspired by the short story by Miguel Torga. He is the co-founder of Red Cloud Teatro de Marionetas and performed scenes of moving image and animated film in the shows “Lobo Mau” (2016) ” Bad Wolf” (2016), “Arabesco” (2017) and ” Isto Aconteceu de Repente. Distorção” (2020)“This Happened Suddenly. Distortion”(2020). Co-founder of the audiovisual production company HUSMA, active from 2010 to 2014.
People, travelers, artists, professionals, cultural agents – “The Clouds”